@paypi1984 @AleksiReito @tkaasalainen @OssiTiihonen @valtioneuvosto @PetteriOrpo @ir_rkp @anna_maja @SariEssayah @Fimea @STM_Uutiset Kannattaa perehtyä mikä on Cureuksen toimintastrategia, mutta ilmei

Cureus, the medical journal known for its fast publication process, seems to be tightening its standards under new ownership. While the journal's strategy has always been centered around enabling rapid publishing, recent changes suggest a stronger emphasis on quality. This shift has caught the attention of social media users, including Wayne Selänne, who tweeted about the potential change in Cureus' approach. While it is essential to examine Cureus' operational strategy, the impact of these adjustments on the publication process remains to be seen.