Suomen Ilmatieteen laitos on ennustanut, että uutta lunta tulee vielä isoon osaan maata. Tieto on saatu Ilmatieteen laitoksen Twitter-tilin kautta, joka välittää tiedot Yle Uutisten kautta. Tuleva lumentulo voi tuoda harmia keväisille maisemille ja vaikuttaa esimerkiksi kulkuyhteyksiin. Suositeltavaa on siis varautua lumentuloon ja varmistaa, että kulkuvälineet ja muu varustus on valmiina poikkeaviin sääolosuhteisiin. Toivottavasti lumisateen jälkeen aurinko pääsee taas paistamaan ja kevät saa vallan. Vähän huumoria tilanteeseen toisi vaikkapa mahdollisuus lumisotaan tai lumiukon rakentamiseen keskellä kevättä!

According to the Finnish Meteorological Institute, more snow is expected to fall in a large part of the country. The information was obtained through the Twitter account of the institute, which shares updates via Yle News. The upcoming snowfall may cause inconvenience in the spring landscapes and affect transportation, for example. It is advisable to be prepared for the snow and ensure that vehicles and other equipment are ready for unusual weather conditions. Hopefully, after the snowfall, the sun will shine again and spring will take over. To add some humor to the situation, perhaps the possibility of a snowball fight or building a snowman in the middle of spring could bring some joy!

According to the Finnish Meteorological Institute, more snow is expected to fall in a large part of the country. The information was obtained through the Twitter account of the institute, which shares updates via Yle News. The upcoming snowfall may cause inconvenience in the spring landscapes and affect transportation, for example. It is advisable to be prepared for the snow and ensure that vehicles and other equipment are ready for unusual weather conditions. Hopefully, after the snowfall, the sun will shine again and spring will take over. To add some humor to the situation, perhaps the possibility of a snowball fight or building a snowman in the middle of spring could bring some joy!

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